Why Cannabis Trimming Without Gloves Is a Bad Idea

There are several reasons people might not want to wear gloves when trimming cannabis buds, such as a perception of having greater control over the bud without gloves, more tactile

When to Harvest Cannabis for Best Quality and Yield

Harvesting cannabis at the right time is essential for maximizing the aroma, flavor, and effects of each strain. Harvest cannabis buds too early and you risk a lower trichome quality

Cannabis Sugar Leaves – Everything You Should Know

The sugar leaves on cannabis plants offer myriad possibilities for growers and processors when you know how to use them to their full advantage. These small leaves can be used

How to Pick a Great Cannabis Trimming Service

A professional cannabis trimming service can be helpful if you don’t have the space, time, equipment, or personnel to complete this vital task in-house. Or perhaps your farm or facility

Why Freeze Dried Cannabis Makes Business Sense for Most Cultivators

In today’s hyper competitive cannabis world, every cultivator is looking for an edge to achieve a higher retail price point for their dried buds while avoiding any unnecessary steps or

Expert’s Guide to Maximum Terpene Extraction

Cannabis extracts that are rich in terpenes are more flavorful, aromatic, and attractive to connoisseurs. Terpenes are the volatile compounds (present in essential oils) that give plants their flavor and

How to Pick the Best Bud Trimming Machine

Most of the “best bud trimming machine” lists that you’ll find out there are wrong—dead wrong—because the featured machines might solve one of the limitations of hand trimming but make

The Best Ways to Store Trim for Butter and Live Edibles

After you trim your cannabis buds, there are a few different ways to store the trim if you intend to make cannabutter or edibles with it later on. The optimal

Guide to Ideal Temperature and Humidity for Drying Weed

It’s important to dry cannabis flowers in an environment with the right temperature and humidity levels so that your buds don’t go moldy or become overly dry and brittle. You