Can You Make Fresh Frozen Dry Sift?

Live dry sift, or dry sift made from fresh frozen cannabis, is a relative newcomer to the hash scene; in contrast to older hash-making methods that are performed at room

Cannabis Sugar Leaves – Everything You Should Know

The sugar leaves on cannabis plants offer myriad possibilities for growers and processors when you know how to use them to their full advantage. These small leaves can be used

Dry Ice Hash vs Bubble Hash – The Big Difference Explained

Dry ice hash and bubble hash are both made using cold temperatures and agitation; however, there are some major differences that are important to understand when choosing an extraction process

How to Press Kief Into Rosin

Pressing kief into rosin is a straightforward process, but if you want to achieve a top-shelf extract, there are a few tricks of the trade you’ll want to know. From

Everything You Need to Know About Kief vs Hash

We need to clear up some confusion about kief vs hash. Although they share a lot of similarities, they’re not the same thing. They have different extraction requirements, and each